Website creation with a difference : we create it - you manage it ! 100% Editable, 100% Unique Content Management, website creation, manage my own website, unique, create website, build website, maintenance
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    01722 331448

    How does WebSiteWorks Express help me build my Web site?

    Using only your Web browser, you will be able to create a sophisticated and dynamic Web site for your business. No technical knowledge is required. (But if you have it, that's great!) In just minutes you will have a basic Web site up and running. In less than an hour you can have a Web site that could have cost you thousands of pounds to create using traditional methods. WebSiteWorks Express includes all kinds of powerful, automated features you can add to your site with the click of the mouse. The entire set up and design process is the easiest, most powerful system of its kind.

    What's included with my WebSiteWorks Express Membership?

    • DESIGN - we will Design a professionally style specially for your business.
    • SUPPORT - We are here for you every step of the way. All members get free online support via email. All members also receive telephone support (Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.).
    • NOTHING ELSE TO BUY - Realise savings in the hundreds, if not thousands of pounds, when comparing WebSiteWorks Express's costs with costs you would otherwise incur with design services, custom programming consultants, and expensive software you would need to buy and upgrade.
    • FREE SEARCH ENGINE AND DIRECTORY LISTING - Your business can be automatically listed with the major search engines on the Internet the minute you go online. And you can update these listings at any time.
    • ENABLE EMAIL FEEDBACK - This automated feedback/contact page forwards email from your Web site visitors right to your computer.
    • LINK TO OTHER SITES - Link to other Web sites with a specially designed "links" page that you can customize.

    What's the catch? How can WebSiteWorks Express offer such a wide range of sophisticated services for so little?

    No catch. Because we've automated many services that have traditionally been done manually, we can pass the savings on to you. It's that simple. And what it means is that we can provide you with low-cost access to powerful technology and specialized skills that might otherwise not be affordable to your business.

    Does WebSiteWorks Express require special software?

    No special software is required. If you can see this page, you have all you need. WebSiteWorks Express does everything for you via your Web browser (or AOL). We recommend using the latest full-release version of either Microsoft Internet Explorer.

    How does your service compare to the competition?

    We don't think there is a comparison. In addition to being cost-effective, WebSiteWorks Express provides extremely easy-to-use site creation tools and a wide range of special services you can add to your site.

    WebSiteWorks Express eliminates the need for you to buy, install, and learn how to create Web sites with software like Microsoft FrontPage, and other graphically based design tools. And in contrast to the hands-on approach to Web site creating, you won't be burdened with locating and setting up Web site hosting at an Internet Service Provider, establishing and registering an Internet address (domain name), and finally installing your completed Web site. These tasks are automatically done for you when you become a member.

    In addition, you won't have to learn new software or buy the most current upgrade version or read technology trade journals trying to keep up. WebSiteWorks Express does the work for you. We continually upgrade our system and closely monitor technology trends, incorporating the most valuable advancements into the WebSiteWorks Express service. This way, we can deliver the finest technology and design services available, easy and affordable services, so that you can concentrate on doing what you do best, your business.

    Do I need to know HTML, have Internet networking skills, know other computer languages, or possess multimedia design skills?

    Absolutely not! The best benefit of WebSiteWorks Express is that you need no special computer skills whatsoever. WebSiteWorks Express's automated systems handle all these details for you. WebSiteWorks Express builds high-quality Web graphics, HTML code, and taps powerful programs all with point-and-click ease. We register your Web site address name, list your site with major search engines, and more - all automatically. You simply concentrate on making your site a great vehicle for communicating to your audience. It's that easy.

    What if I already know HTML? Can I use it?

    Yes, WebSiteWorks Express accepts HTML into all of its fields (i.e. body copy, headlines, etc.) If you desire to use HTML, you are free to include it in your pages.

    © WebSiteWorks 1999-2012.